Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Argh! I hate to toil away for hours studying, reading bits of disjointed information that some great big thinker conveniently created for us. If a common man was to read it in one go, it wouldn't even make sense! When will I ever need to use 70% of the sociology I study? I don't think this will be of any use in raising my kids. Don't gape at me like that, everything boils down to marriage and raising your little ones. Its completely natural. Although, admittedly sociology is interesting but not all of it. Infact most of it is drab and colourless.
OK. This isn't about sociology. I shouldn't disgrace the subject with my biased view just because I couldn't finish the assignment in time and now I have to slave on it, which will probably keep me awake till late night. What an eXciting thing to look forward to...
I believe in educating 'myself'. The elementary school is important, without doubt, but at this level, honestly I find newspapers more educational and beneficial. I'm a huge fan of newspapers and I recommend them to anyone who wants an authentic slice of...entertainment. Newspapers cover an endless sea of topics, writing about almost everything under the sun but most importantly its the gripping content that saves them from drowning in dullness. I think the key is in the way they write and present everything, fabricating yet maintaining veracity. Newspapers make you feel like a part of the world, albeit only a mere spectator being tossed about by events but still someone significant, someone worth serving news, someone royal...and I guess I've gone a bit too far in praising.
I know this interest of mine, in reading bland newspapers is uncommon with people of my age, who gladly communicate their dislike for them and even go as far as calling them the epitome of boredom. People want instant gratification and answers, with their lives already spinning out of control, they take respite in reading idyllic books which seem to offer solutions to life or atleast conclude with a pleasant note. Unfortunetly, sizzling romance is one topic newspapers don't quiet cover...
I told you I'm passionate about newspapers...
I would like to be a journalist one day, weaving facts with style and eloquence, but thats a far-fetched dream for which again, I'm required to study. So we're back to sqaure one. Nothing in this world seems to work for you unless you're educated. But what education? How can you define education? You don't necessarily have to go to a top-notch university or an elitest school to be educated, infact you don't even have to go to a university. Its just an approach to life, a way of thinking and delivering your ideas effectively that counts. Atleast thats what I think.
Don't ask me why I don't quit studies then. I guess I'm following, just like everyone else.
posted by Niqabi at 3:04 AM

ATY said...
oooo....now that's sumthin i din't kno abt u...it's kinda cool becuz when i do leave my books and the TV to actually pick up a paper and read it, i simply love it! altho a cynical person like me sometimes spoils it for herself by thinking 'it's all lies...the govt has bribed them...', but i like the letters to the editor part best in any kind of newspaper
9:20 AM
oh wow you write so well, you'd definately make it as a journalist if u really wanted it! lol @ sizzling romance - for that you have to buy/borrow trashy novels. as for sociology, its not that bad once you get stuck into it. i speak frm experience! ha ha. although it does depend on what kindof teacher u have for the subject..
6:19 AM
Unknown said...
i don't read the papers much...but i wud like to...and u wud be surprised to know of nthe number of ppl our age who read the papers...
i'm currently on a road trip...islamabadm faisalabad, jhang etc. will post more after this is over...
3:48 AM
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Name: Niqabi
Location: Lahore, Pakistan
Occupation: Housewife
Religion: Islam
Interests: World War II, Jews, Hebrew, ancient sites, Muslim rule in Spain, revolutions, Vatican city and Islamic literature.
Books: The black album, Portofino, Ladies coupe, In beautiful disguises, The buddhist of Suburbia, The hidden life of Otto Frank.
Contact: niqabified [at] gmail [dot] com
Quote: "We plan and Allah plans and Allah is the best of planners"
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