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Friday, May 06, 2005
So Tony Blair won. All the stupid articles about these days being his last have gone down the drain. Sad, very sad. I was so sure this time the English would do something sensible (offence meant). They haven't done anything unexpected anyway, it was a mistake to expect that bit of sense from them. According to my very authentic sources:
Labour Party (Blair's) won 196 votes out of 324 Liberal democrats won only 64. lol poor brats. Conservative----I don't know about them and I couldn't care less.
Read this conversation I had with a friend of mine:
YA ALLAH!! says: jack straw won YA ALLAH!! says: man Angelina Jolie is in Islamabad! says: Really? YA ALLAH!! says: i feel like dyin! A ALLAH!! says: my fut YA ALLAH!! says: if it ws up2 me YA ALLAH!! says: id kill ald dese kafirs Angelina Jolie is in Islamabad! says: lol YA ALLAH!! says: day all de same, anyway
And yesterday she was lamenting about the present pakistani goverment. She's masha'Allah very knowledgable about the political situtaion of Muslims.
Angelina Jolie is in Islamabad!: I don't think its compulsory to vote in Pakistan. YA ALLAH!!: well pakistan YA ALLAH!!: is a dictatorship Angelina Jolie is in Islamabad!: oh yes...well Angelina Jolie is in Islamabad!: but even before that YA ALLAH!!: yea YA ALLAH!!: musharraf needs 2 die anyway Angelina Jolie is in Islamabad!: I see... YA ALLAH!!: Yeah...
The only thing that matters is that Tony Blair won. Why, why, why!! Before it was George Bush, now its Tony Blair, despite all the atrocities they've jointly committed against humanity they've been elected again and this time the people had a choice. A sad affair.
So khyr, by the way I made muffins the day before yesterday. Needless to say they got a lil bit brown but that comes with my baking. 12 in total but they were broken into a million pieces anyway so its stupid to keep a count. Its been two days now and my muffin tray is still at school...resting in peace. I just keep forgetting to bring it back home and my mum is surely going to notice this, just give me one more day and she'll explode. I can bet on that! Not that I would...ofcourse. I also took a few bites from a tasteless and potential stomach ach giver burger but then left it for my friend to eat. And to compensate the loss I ate alot of Golden Crisps and now im feelin ...sick! I bunked my economics class and slept in our library instead. Like I actually laid down on two chairs and took a good 40-minute nap. It felt...different!
Anyway, I'm gonna go now coz our maid has been chucked out and I have to work. Bye-bye loveos.
posted by Niqabi at 8:06 AM

ATY said...
i'm sorry, i'm a typical pakistani schoolgirl...so i simply am NOT interested in politics...i feel so stupid abt this sometimes. :( neways, the muffin was deee-licious...thanks again darling! *huggies* luv ya
8:13 AM
Maha said...
A very wise friend of mine kept the perfect nick related to the elections: "I was under the impression only Americans left their brains behind while voting, NO, Brits do it too!!" So yea, if the damned people don't mind losing lives and don't want "world peace", you can't force it on them-!!!
The muffins were scrumptious...(i think:P!)
3:58 AM
<< Home
Name: Niqabi
Location: Lahore, Pakistan
Occupation: Housewife
Religion: Islam
Interests: World War II, Jews, Hebrew, ancient sites, Muslim rule in Spain, revolutions, Vatican city and Islamic literature.
Books: The black album, Portofino, Ladies coupe, In beautiful disguises, The buddhist of Suburbia, The hidden life of Otto Frank.
Contact: niqabified [at] gmail [dot] com
Quote: "We plan and Allah plans and Allah is the best of planners"
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