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Wednesday, April 27, 2005
I wrote the post below a good three weeks ago or maybe even before. God knows why I didn't post it then and what made me write it but anyway here it is and I think this is by far the most irrelevant crap I've ever produced.
Ah April, I love you.
Why do I bother,
to go to school everyday? to take a bath everyday? to do the homework? to wait for someone? to use the deodrant? to move my bum?
So many unanswered questions to life and myself. I'll let them all die an unnatural death because I can't be bothered to know the answers, Ahhh, I'm mad.
I want to go to Auswhitz and Bergen-Belsan. I want to read : Roses from the earth by Ann Lee. I want to live in a concentration camp for just one night. I'm obsessed with the pre-war Jewish community of Amsterdam and the year 1944. I used to love Granada but then somehow the obsession shifted to World War II. Weird.
I should forget everything and go to school tomorrow.
-shalom! hehe. Naw, naw I'm a Muslim, 100% .
For those of you who are dumbfounded by the above post...should remain dumbfounded. Im only being myself.
posted by Niqabi at 4:58 AM

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Name: Niqabi
Location: Lahore, Pakistan
Occupation: Housewife
Religion: Islam
Interests: World War II, Jews, Hebrew, ancient sites, Muslim rule in Spain, revolutions, Vatican city and Islamic literature.
Books: The black album, Portofino, Ladies coupe, In beautiful disguises, The buddhist of Suburbia, The hidden life of Otto Frank.
Contact: niqabified [at] gmail [dot] com
Quote: "We plan and Allah plans and Allah is the best of planners"
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