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Friday, April 15, 2005
Yesterday me and my sister decided to give our mother a pleasant surprise. Twas the first time I was cooking something on my own, unaided. I don't count my sis as any help, even though she has more experience in burning food. Anyway, we mutually agreed to cook chicken as it is the only meat which takes the least amount of skills to make it tasty. The onion-chopping part was excruciatingly painful for my eyes, and they've still not forgiven me. Eyes I mean. But I somehow managed to chop 2-3 of those heartless brats and fryed them. Then we mixed quite alot of spices, anything that looked exotic and coulorful was frying away. Later came the chicken and we left it on its own for a while. My sis went to take a toilet-break while I just walked out of kitchen. Life was good. Chicken-on the stove, me-well away from the kitchen, my sis-in the toilet. Had things stayed the way they were, we would be violating an important law of life having ups and downs. So down it was and pretty steep.
There is no mystery to this. The chicken did burn as it always had, under my sis's supervision. She came crashing out of the door, into the kitchen, let out a sigh and we all knew. Another shot at being a natural TT desperately failed. So we both yelled at each other, mutually screamed at my younger sis who was unfortunely in the kitchen at that time and blamed the world in general.
But determined and professional burners as we are, the little black coat in the pot and alot of smoke didn't dampen our spirits. Yes, we made it again. This time we checked it after every 10 seconds. There was no way in the world it could have burnt. And then balley balley, there it was !
Eventually the onions, the shock and the screaming took its toll on me. I was exhausted in every sense of the word, needless to say I didn't do my homework and skipped my school :)
I've concluded that I can either cook or study. Its virtually impossible to manage the two togather and I confirmed this through my experience.
By the way I have school tomorrow as well. And there is nothing in the world that sucks more than having to wake up at 7:35 am to attend a sociology class. trust me.
Also Abez got wedded today, anisha turned twenty and our jam expired. 15th of April'2005 is surely a milestone in my life.
posted by Niqabi at 12:01 PM

Niqabi said...
lol@in bad and bad times, there's nothing more truthful than this! It is wonderful...but we're not supposed to realise this NOW ! We should be nostalgic about it but we never get the chance because we're never apart! Call it wonderful or...lol. But we prize it so much now, god knows how much we're gonna cherish it later.
haa....thats life
10:28 AM
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Name: Niqabi
Location: Lahore, Pakistan
Occupation: Housewife
Religion: Islam
Interests: World War II, Jews, Hebrew, ancient sites, Muslim rule in Spain, revolutions, Vatican city and Islamic literature.
Books: The black album, Portofino, Ladies coupe, In beautiful disguises, The buddhist of Suburbia, The hidden life of Otto Frank.
Contact: niqabified [at] gmail [dot] com
Quote: "We plan and Allah plans and Allah is the best of planners"
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