Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Hello pipple!
I hate the world today and what is it with people today, particularly Miss ****? Nothing feels good or right. I just need to let go of all the pent-up anger building up inside me but...how? Blogging is not exactly what I had in mind until late afternoon when I announced to my cousin that I shall blog, come what may. I've shouted at her, atleast thrice today for simply no reason at all and it felt soo good. I can make up all the stories in the world and she'd play along with utter seriousness and promptly reply to all my mindless accusations hurled her way, completely outav the blue like, " Its all your fault, I'm gonna kill you now!" She doesn't seem to doubt my sanity or think that I'm crazy, mad, stupid, idiot or a mixture of all four. So here we are. ok so... There are days when you wish you were dead. And when they come often, very often you feel like taking your life yourself BUT that is ...haram. Yes that is haram. So we don't. We also don't because we tend to believe that all of it is a phase and will go away soon. These days EVERYTHING is a phase. But the phase is there to stay so it stays. Yes it stays. Then we start blaming others for every class of problem because we need some sort of justification for our exceedingly amiable behaviour. We start with the world in general and end up with the family in particular. Then we start with the skies and the weather and the crows and end up with it too. Then we start whining about our work-load, our circle of friends, teachers, teachers again and the bus. Suddenly we want to run away. Far far away, million miles away. Need to take a 'break' from everything. But how on earth can you take a break when exams are looming round the corner?
I'm going to wage a war against my maths teacher, if I ever get the chance. I hate feminists. Actually I hate all the stupid -ists, who think anything is possible. I wouldn't be surprised if they think walking naked on the street is freedom of body expression and idiotic liberals dishing out theories on how our body sometimes needs fresh air. All of them are of the view that THEY can change the world, make it a better place to live, they can revolutionize everything with their ideas.
Karl Marx was a very very poor descendant of a very very rich family. He could just never adjust to the change and hence all the crap about Marxism. He was very fond of social change and uses the term as if thats the most natural thing to happen in a society. He loved social change so much, he wouldn't have minded it if we had it everyday. I hate him for his materialistic appraoch. Feminisim is actually an extremist behaviour, they totally condemn men. Okay, I'm exaggerating alot but thats how I understand them. Their main goal in life is to make men do the house-work, clean and feed babies and if possible, even produce them. They want change now. Its about time men realise their worth and become slaves.
I'm done with my whining. Now you tell...
posted by Niqabi at 4:44 AM

Niqabi said...
and lovya for commenting so soon! Your comments are long n caring n full of hope so thank you! Yes that was my venting, though subtle but thats the limit. Dont weryy abt the intensity, its going to come pretty frequently, hopefully not tho!
I'm glad you're sane in the midst of all this cloudy depression that is slowly taking over everyone. Y'know, someone has to act sane and somehow you always end up being slightly less crazy than us :P
Daunt yaw feel left out when I write trash abt sociology because ...you can actively participate and add your two penn 'orth, anyway. I hate feminism, right? And since you're just like me, you start critisizing it as well.Tis ok if you can't talk abt literature like that...you're not missing out much! Just do a lil reading on the -isms, its the IN thing these days, do you know that? Well im telling you, anyway. You should study just the right amount of isms to make an impression on..ermm...in-laws or whoever.
And do write a whiny post sometime soon now. The doggie so needs to get away from the limelight.
8:29 AM
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Name: Niqabi
Location: Lahore, Pakistan
Occupation: Housewife
Religion: Islam
Interests: World War II, Jews, Hebrew, ancient sites, Muslim rule in Spain, revolutions, Vatican city and Islamic literature.
Books: The black album, Portofino, Ladies coupe, In beautiful disguises, The buddhist of Suburbia, The hidden life of Otto Frank.
Contact: niqabified [at] gmail [dot] com
Quote: "We plan and Allah plans and Allah is the best of planners"
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