My ventilator. Read, comment and judge me not. |
Thursday, March 10, 2005
I've been thinking alot lately when I should be studying and I came up with the following
-If we altogether stop whining, wouldn't things take a turn for the better? Is whining any good? Is there a single element of satisfaction to be derived from it? Does this sound too philosophical to comprehend?
-No matter how much we say that we don't care, by the end of the day we're all shamefully concerned about everything. Its just sometimes that we choose to play it down.
-Arguments make my head go hot and horrid. -Some people are plain stone mad and impossible to reason with. -Gathering together your own dented pride is the hardest thing on earth. -Striking up a conversation with a person you strongly dislike is also the hardest thing on earth. -When I'm around certain people I feel stiff and humourless. -Misfortunes never come singly. -My whole body rises in revolt when I'm asked to clean the kitchen and dress up. -Even after carefully weighing the difficulties and risks, I always end up making the wrong decision. -Sometimes I want to crawl away and die of embarassment. -Some people grab every opportunity on earth to look down on you. -I feel relieved after letting out a sighing roar of exasperation. -I'm mildy surprised and utterly shocked to know that I'm a huge misfit everywhere :P -I'm sick of making theories about everything, sometimes they get more complex than the problem itself. -Some people are so clean, you could eat your dinner off their shoes. -Madiha shauket's talk is some big shows of hands. -Waves of disgust have been washing over me very often now. -I would love to see the humourous side of depression. -It is aweful and completely unsophisticated of her to ask us to stand on the chairs, teacher or no teacher. -The possibility of killing my maths teacher crossed my mind, but only fleetingly. -Sometimes I feel a surge of sympathy for the school sweepers, they'r continously being hauled over the coals by me for turning up at the wrong time, at the wrong place. -I felt a momentary pang after recieving my sociology quiz's result.Quite an enlightening experience it was. -Waking up early on Saturdays to attend school is a form of self-infliction. -Do you know I should be at school right now? -I feel selfish writing about myself. -Shaha will you please caw-ment? -For Em Tiddi: *pat on the back *jelly bottles/bears/Os *I know, I know. -Chij bachee, white poles are no good hug companions.
posted by Niqabi at 11:56 PM

Hi honey! Gawd! You are naturally-cool Rajea! i loved your post! i love your blog! i simply LURVE you girly! *MUAHH*
2:51 AM
Hi honey! Gawd! You are naturally-cool Rajea! i loved your post! i love your blog! i simply LURVE you girly! *MUAHH*
2:52 AM
Niqabi said...
I love you shaha, I love you shaha, I love you girly ! hehe
4:46 AM
ATY said...
man, u rock!! maybe i shud just type all ur thoughts down and publish em...they'll make a bestseller. u feel like a misfit girl? puh-lease!! if anyone's a misfit it's me! yaar whining na hoti to kiya hota? u c it's useful soemtimes...to whine ur heart out...believe me, it feels great! especially when everone's telling u how funny ur whining is ;)
9:06 AM
Niqabi said...
Have I told you lately that I lurve you? And however much *gay* it sounds Im gonna say it over n over again!! :P
3:47 AM
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Name: Niqabi
Location: Lahore, Pakistan
Occupation: Housewife
Religion: Islam
Interests: World War II, Jews, Hebrew, ancient sites, Muslim rule in Spain, revolutions, Vatican city and Islamic literature.
Books: The black album, Portofino, Ladies coupe, In beautiful disguises, The buddhist of Suburbia, The hidden life of Otto Frank.
Contact: niqabified [at] gmail [dot] com
Quote: "We plan and Allah plans and Allah is the best of planners"
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