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Thursday, January 20, 2005
Eid & bakraas
So like tomorrow we're having Eid.Exciting, eh?Its the time of the year when bakraas get a chance to be discussed.They are in the limelight and they seem to be enjoying this by shitting more than often and definately more than what we can conveniently stand.I have to admit that bakraas have a charming exterior and look somewhat pretty, especially when they're painted in pink.But do not EVER be decieved by their hurt-puppy expression because its simply their natural face when they're about to unleash secrets.The visual treat can be avoided by staying away from the scene but the stench can't be helped.The stink will not confine itself to a room or two but makes sure it meets every nose in person.My own nose is numb from the swaying winds.I have concluded that bakraas are shamefully self-centered creatures who don't give two hoots about the hell others have to go through.But I take comfort from the fact that this is not going to last long and will hopefully be history by tomorrow.I can't wait for their execution and that is the only thing I'm looking forward to.
posted by Niqabi at 9:56 AM

Maha said...
Whoa! You're just mean! I don't think bakras are all THAT bad. I mean they are LOUD, but they taste good:P...okay, that just sounded grosS:) khair, I went to a cousins house earlier today and was eating some bakra crap she'd fried, while she was telling me more about the bakra- So it is a BIG MISTAKE to eat something you're talking about(or talk about something your eating-LOL!!) She was telling me that it was sweet and friendly and very much like her dog coz he was coming to her so she would pat him-and all through the conversation, i was unsuccessfully trying to bite into the meat of an innocent animal...so i feel bad for bakras right now- But the stench[i am sure i have mentioned this somewhere else before!]; i have smelt a lot worse than bakra smell, so it was almost bearable:)!! *i just remembered, i mentioned it in my Itwaar Bazaar wali post!* i hope this comment makes sense to you, coz right now it seems like a load of confusing crap to me!!
8:43 AM
Niqabi said...
Chij-Bachee: I can well assure you sweety that I'm not a killer and as for sadistic-I don't know what it means :P Its not a puppy expression, its simply an expression used in English, I'm not sure if one can modify it according to the subject but for our ease, lets make it hurt-bakra. God, the stoopid bakras don't even deserve to get so much share in my comments !! but anyway I know you hate me...I've always known that for a fact but since I'm 'devoid of emotions' as some wise people say, I never expressed my grief over that.
Em tiddi: You're one fine commentor! :P I love your comment-cum-posts, lol . Bakraas are loud and they don't even taste that good, I mean the only reason why I bear them is because its obligatory(is it?) to sacrifice them. EVen if no one is talking about bakraas, whenever I'm eating its gosht I imagine all sorts of horrible stuff , like the blood, the smell, the ...ermm *ahem*...'dark secrets' of the bakraas, lol I hope you get what I mean :P Don't worry about the sense-making part, I understand all sorts of crap:P The stench, I can't comment on that but it'd be a nice experience to live with you. Why do you think I want to go to India with you so desperately?
2:03 AM
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Name: Niqabi
Location: Lahore, Pakistan
Occupation: Housewife
Religion: Islam
Interests: World War II, Jews, Hebrew, ancient sites, Muslim rule in Spain, revolutions, Vatican city and Islamic literature.
Books: The black album, Portofino, Ladies coupe, In beautiful disguises, The buddhist of Suburbia, The hidden life of Otto Frank.
Contact: niqabified [at] gmail [dot] com
Quote: "We plan and Allah plans and Allah is the best of planners"
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