Wednesday, January 12, 2005
World distinction-obviously not mine.
Today's 12 of January and its probably the most eventful day of my life. Although the events do not directly affect me but they do very strongly impact the people close to me.
I'm not a professional whiner and I never intend to be one but certain things or rather parts of my body ( god knows whats their bloody problem) are always bent upon making my life horrible. For instance, my stomach seems to live a life of its own. Its always aching and never digesting. It makes me toss and turn with pain whenever it finds me having a good time with my freinds, worse still it attacks when I'm in the class with a group of 20-30 students , one very distant teacher suffering from cold maturity in pin-drop silence, classic !The aim of this dreadul action on the part of my stomach needs no explanation, embarassement is its key focus. Its simply the ill-timing that I hate the most. Although with the advent of other new and equally cruel aches, my stomach has ceased to play the role of the prime predator , it is now the venomous right eye that is taking the lead. I've got a serious eye infection producing a weird thin film of some sticky thingy in my eye. Does anyone know what it could possibly be? Like the exact name of that weird, sticky thin film.Next comes my throat, i don't have much complaints to lodge against the poor thing but this morning when I woke up , I felt very raw. A raw throat? It was definately sore but thats not very intense so I'll stick to my raw feeling. I count all of the above as 'events' , surely they deserve such a title keeping in view the amount of misery they are capable of creating.
I haven't called this the most eventful day of my life due to the above mentioned illnesses , ofcourse its because of something way more important, something that can cause me instant death due to over excitement and hyer-activity ( if it was ever to happen to me !),
something that can make a person such as my freind go crazy with joy and excitment.
Weeping seraph ( I finally figured out her blog name) got a WORLD DISTINCTION ( echo echo) in English literature by scoring 98 % !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) I cannot even start to imagine how thrilled she must be or feel those electrical jolts of ectasy passing through her since I've never even crossed 95 % , leave alone world distinction in any subject ( not a very appropriate time for self-pity though) ! I'm really very,very happy for her and proud too . Am I right in feeling proud? Don't really think so but in any case I will be because I doubt I'll ever have a chance to feel that way over my own acheiments.
In case, you've noticed miss weeping seraph (which I very much doubt as you were busy jumping and dancing around the place), I did want to hug you and congratulate you over your astounding success as soon as I heard about it but since I'm not accustomed to such huggy-required-almost-essential events , I was a bit hesitent. Phew, off my system !!
So everyone, please be generous ,congratulate her and acknowledge her achievment . If
YOU don't have the skill or ability to claim a distinction , it doesn't mean no one has !!!
posted by Niqabi at 3:00 AM

Maha said...
Sorry about your aching stomach, sticky eye, 'raw' throat and... your face-that wasn't a problem was it!?:P:P lol I hope you feel better soon! Man, I feel realllly happy for weeping seraph too!! I don't think anything like that has EVER happened to me, so I can't imagine how delighted she must be-Masha'Allah! khair, i am veryyyy happy for her and I hope she keeps gettin achi achi khabrein like this one everyday:)! Maybe one day we'll get lucky (Insha'Allah-who knows?!?:)
6:26 AM
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Name: Niqabi
Location: Lahore, Pakistan
Occupation: Housewife
Religion: Islam
Interests: World War II, Jews, Hebrew, ancient sites, Muslim rule in Spain, revolutions, Vatican city and Islamic literature.
Books: The black album, Portofino, Ladies coupe, In beautiful disguises, The buddhist of Suburbia, The hidden life of Otto Frank.
Contact: niqabified [at] gmail [dot] com
Quote: "We plan and Allah plans and Allah is the best of planners"
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