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Saturday, December 25, 2004
25 th of December .
And today I bought a pair of extra smart shoes on my own . They are maroonish-brown in colour and I'm truly in love with them . Today's christmas plus either its our beloved Quaid's death anniversary or birthday - I'm not entirely sure . But 25 th Dec has some national importance , that I can say for sure .
Had a loong nice chat with my freind , alhamdolilah times infinite and an ugly, long argument with my mum so the effects of both events have been cancelled out . I'm feeling empty , neither good nor bad . Its the intermediate feeling which is just as bad . I call it the little blue-ness. Anyway , I have oil on my head - not that its related to my blueness but who cares ! I've been wearing a scarf for the past one week now . Alhamdolilah the dirt has been accumulating and i'm feeling very comfortable. I have no plans of taking a shower tomorrow as well but I'll definately change my clothes .
Hey by the way , I've ordered new glasses :D . Next time , I blog I'll be wearing those.
Me and my sis went to ***today to get something to eat but since we're both tramps and are in perpetual shortage of money couldn't afford to buy two burgers . Though It was an embarassing sight but I managed to survive coz we're so used to being ....embarassed . We were just fifteen rupees short of buying two ****** ! Imagine the loss ...I mean any one of you could have lended that money to us , right ? But khyr to each their own . And to us our trampness. I was counting money right infront of the counter
..100-150 -200-210-215-220-225-230-240 phew ! 245....and then it was the same hundred rupee we had counted first. But alhamdolilah this time the difference between the actual price and the money we had , was very little . I won't dwell on what we finally got to eat because that part of the story is irrelevant . We are basically poor - that is the main focus.
Other then the real life dilemmas , my hotmail inbox is not working . It has blocked my access , the reason being that the servers are down or whatever is meant by that . Its 12:41 am in lahore , Pakistan right now in case the blog watch isn't working properly . I don't feel like sleeping but my back is aching like hell . I don't feel like blogging either but now since my blog has gone public , I have this responsibilty of providing people with something worth their time . Hence these extra meaningful and benificial posts . The reader of my blog ( if there is one poor soul lurking around the corner reading my blog and has got nothing better to do in life ) should bear in mind that I'm not a writer and never was . I haven't ever studied English Literature ( if it is used as an excuse for lame posts ) and don't intend to , insha'Allah . I totally hate it and wouldn't study it even if I have to eat 1000 almonds and 1000 glasses of milk . Other then this blog I have two other private blogs which are in good shape so its hard to find the time for this one .
posted by Niqabi at 11:26 AM

Niqabi said...
12:15 PM
<< Home
Name: Niqabi
Location: Lahore, Pakistan
Occupation: Housewife
Religion: Islam
Interests: World War II, Jews, Hebrew, ancient sites, Muslim rule in Spain, revolutions, Vatican city and Islamic literature.
Books: The black album, Portofino, Ladies coupe, In beautiful disguises, The buddhist of Suburbia, The hidden life of Otto Frank.
Contact: niqabified [at] gmail [dot] com
Quote: "We plan and Allah plans and Allah is the best of planners"
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