My ventilator. Read, comment and judge me not. |
Thursday, December 23, 2004
My Blawg .
Assalam Alykum !
I hope everyone reading this, is in the best of health & Iman . This is my blog , and I'm its blogger . This is my first post . Its not an intro kindav post but who cares . I don't need an introduction . I really don't .I love to write really short sentences that offer no explanation and are souless. Its 2:40 am in Pakistan and I don't feel like sleeping . If anyone of you reading this is having difficulty in sleeping , you should try and recite this :
500 times durud-e-ebrahimi .
This works like a magical pill , it can even put people to sleep who've been sleeping all their lives . That's a bit exaggerated , but anyway I mean something to that effect . Now the million dollar question that why I'm not trying that myself is because ... I have no idea . But I think it is distantly related to the fact that I'm excessively lazy ? Could be .
This is the third paragraph of the same post and so far blogging seems to be alot of fun for me ! Now I didn't ask for your opinion so better keep it shut . So there Chij , my beloved cousin , you've got yourself a brand new post on an equally brand new blog . I'm proud of myself and I think you should be too , but for me . I'v finally entered the blogging world with grace and elegance . And I think I'm putting down my thoughts in a very articulate way. From this post being the 1st one to no intro to insomnia to recitation of durud-e-ebrahimi to its being a magical pill to me being lazy to the post having a third paragraph to me having fun to chij being proud of me and finally to this long chain of TO .
Okay now this'll hopefully qualify as The First Post . I gotta go now , anyway . Nothing to look forward to though , probably just the bed . Insha'Allah hope to keep this alive , salaams.
posted by Niqabi at 1:34 PM

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Name: Niqabi
Location: Lahore, Pakistan
Occupation: Housewife
Religion: Islam
Interests: World War II, Jews, Hebrew, ancient sites, Muslim rule in Spain, revolutions, Vatican city and Islamic literature.
Books: The black album, Portofino, Ladies coupe, In beautiful disguises, The buddhist of Suburbia, The hidden life of Otto Frank.
Contact: niqabified [at] gmail [dot] com
Quote: "We plan and Allah plans and Allah is the best of planners"
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