Monday, August 01, 2005
Brown saucages.
Can anyone believe its August 2005 already? I mean August 2004 can't be a year away! I can remember it so clearly. The worst month of the worst year. I have quit whining otherwise I woulda filled this page with some rotten ole' words dripping with frustration. But thats all history now and let us not dig our dark past on a public blog, aight.
I'm enjoying my summer holidays fairly well. They're somehow more bearable than all the previous ones. Although this time I didn't get to read any new books, but I'm still happy. I re-read quiet a few and I think the experience was enlightening enough for me. All I want now is to walk through a huge palace filled with books collected from all corners of the world, covering all topics under the sun and spend days reading them. I'm craving for books. I tried to quench it by reading every single page of our daily newspaper but thats not enough. Admittedly, newspapers make a good read but you always end up getting angry at one thing or other. Either its the injustice or the the undue attention to the West. I'm not biased but I think its high time news on London bombings stop making headlines. The issues in Iraq, casualties etc. have taken a place on the eleventh page of the newspaper!! We have had enough with the 56 people killed in the London undergroud Tube stations. I'm not, in any way trying to undermine the importance of human life but only angry at the unfairness of the press. Why should these 56 people be any more important than the hundred others who die every day in Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya and Kashmir? We mourn the death of those killed in suicide bombings of London and we feel sympathy for their respective families. But our hearts also go out for 1.6 million Muslims of Britain that are facing an anti-Muslim backlash and increased racial discrimination following the unfortunate event. We question the death of the 27-year old Brazilian electrician who was mistaken for a terrorist. He was only running to catch the bus, not to undo a bomb! We also question the eight shots (7 in the head and one in the shoulder) that went through his body. Supposedly, even if he was a terrorist, does it take eight gun shots to kill a person? Eight shots only on the crime of acting 'suspiciously'. Britain is sure making a head-way in justice. And oh, the country was considered a safe haven by many, they're probably having their doubts now.
So my post got a little political but so what? I mean I know this topic is everywhere, right, left and center. And alot of us have come to the point where we hardly care about others but its still is important.
But I'll end it here. For your sake.
Well I could say that I have progressed in my driving. I can drive without people staring down at me as if they're seeing some cockroach driving a car! Its a weird feeling, really. I can successfully slow the car at speed breakers and then resume the speed again without letting the car die down. I can do all these while driving, move around the road, look at the rear mirror, shift gears and occasionally glance at the houses whizzing by. I have the priviledge of saying:
"I'll drive to your house"
OK. I'm a person who tries to find happiness in small things. So don't think I'm a loser. Please, if any one of you, have any information on this book 'Roses from the earth' by Ann Lee, let me know.
Anyway, I have to go now. I'm sorry to have bored you with my political rants but I couldn't simply write them on my private blog. Politics is to be heard - Van de Grant.
P.S: Its high time people realise that Great Britain is no more great!
posted by Niqabi at 11:19 AM

I liked this entry, girl (Y) I always enjoy reading what u is gotta say :)
9:21 AM
Niqabi said...
i 'loved' your appreciation :P. Thank you, made my day.
Jazakallah Evil Guava, :)
salaams, have a nice day!
3:30 AM
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Name: Niqabi
Location: Lahore, Pakistan
Occupation: Housewife
Religion: Islam
Interests: World War II, Jews, Hebrew, ancient sites, Muslim rule in Spain, revolutions, Vatican city and Islamic literature.
Books: The black album, Portofino, Ladies coupe, In beautiful disguises, The buddhist of Suburbia, The hidden life of Otto Frank.
Contact: niqabified [at] gmail [dot] com
Quote: "We plan and Allah plans and Allah is the best of planners"
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