My ventilator. Read, comment and judge me not. |
Friday, February 11, 2005
So like its friday today and like I have to go to school tomorrow as well-which is like a SATURDAY and like I so don't want to go but like I have to because like I don't know where I'm headed to in life and like apparently this thingy at school will give me an idea or sommmet like actually I wouldn't even care if I end up being the way I am - a nobody but like no one accepts that so like I have to go and try and see how things go and like there's another matter bothering me which is like not so pleasant but like its bugging me loads who the heck is that fool like I know he/she is a sad sad person who's got like nothing better to do in life but like still 'who' is he/she I know he/she is well chuffed to see his/her name on the post but like I don't care like I don't give a crap to what he/she may think but besides that the bus is like alot of fun we-me and my cousin enjoy it like loads I'm not too sure about her but like I really do enjoy it even if its like sitting on my bum for 2 hours and like staring at passing stuff but I like that because it gives me time to think and wonder like why this bus HAS to end up in like school everyday and like why not anywhere else I mean like I'm willing to pay them Rs.5 or so if they take me to the mountains or something like that I would love that but like the bus driver is too TTish or like whatever I don't know too much but like school is fine and like the weather was too but like then the sun HAD to show its face which I didn't like at all and like I whined about it too but like that didn't help either and like I asked my friend something not too pleasant and like she got pretty upset about that which like I realised later and like I felt sad too and like didn't actually want that awkward silence but like it somehow happened and like you know completely on its own like I know I shouldn't have but I did so like I'm really sorry about that too dear I'm like not so good at comforting people because I don't know I just am not like that I know I've got a stingy personality like I'm mean in some ways and like I'm rude too sometimes but like I'm honestly not all that bad like I care for all my friends like alot and like even if it isn't evident I know it isn't you should all like believe me because if you don't that will like break my heart into a billion peices so like I've said what I wanted to in a like very articulate manner I s'pose so like I best end my post here and like pweese don't be mad at me for anything I said because like just please don't. So like sallaams and like kissies on the like ears.
posted by Niqabi at 10:52 AM

Niqabi said...
[sitting on a hard chair for like four hours, with like 'you at my side' and like it is killing me]-like lol !! I mean I'm sorry I made you feel so suicidal but honestly I'm like that- I always end up sitting up with you, no matter what! so ye have to bear me :P I agree with you 100 % and even more, no one should even dare attempt SAT 1 exam, its got like 10 sections and by the time you reach the tenth one, you're so dead tired with a back aching like hell and a stiff neck that you don't even care if you tick C instead of A or B instead of D or whatever!! Jazakallah for appreciating me *jaani, you're my whole life*! (hint hint) .This is the kind of post I end up doing when both you and tiddi go offline and there's nothing else to do in life. Yes, insha'Allah you should definately make a like post, that's be awesome and I'm looking forward to it. I know the 'likes' were killing, I got tangled up myself! but anyway your comment is alot more than good. You qualify as the best advisor and potential mama AND ofcourse my eternal blog commentor. To be honest with you....nah I'm done with sweetness but you know what was coming right?Right?ok, good!
7:12 AM
Maha said...
I'm like LMAO...i mean like what like made you like make that post like i didn't like think anyone else would like do like's like i do but i'm like surprised coz like this is like the first time anyone has like ever done it like SO well n like i love your post like TOTALLY like even though its like givin me like a headache like typing like this but like mannnn i am like impressed of u like doing this and like i'm like proud of you and i really am like truly proud and like i didn't mean to like make u feel like guilty for like asking me what u did like its all good like U know what i mean right-whoa like that was long and i can't like read that like all over again to like check for errors like so yea i love ur post and think it was like USELESS to like mention the daym foolish fool in it coz its like clearly someone who is like immature and just a loser like *WHATEVER...* like kisseys on my like li'l ears too!;)
8:41 AM
Niqabi said...
Em Tiddi Jazakallah for commenting even when you're so sick. So very throughtful of you, I wasn't expecting it. But I love surprises..pleasant ones deffo :P. I love you as well.I know the post is a potential headache giver but then that was the ONLY purpose:P Why would anyone be interested in my musings...
"like i'm like proud of you and i really am like truly proud"-hahha, this is making me laugh! I'm sure you were writing this without thinking coz you're making it sound as if I've actually acheived sommmet!! I'm glad you're not stuck-up and the not-budging type. About the 'fool' I have nothing to say. I'm just shocked out of my mind to know her-fool. How could anyone and especially her be so low? Don't tell me its not about being low as you two did in the chat because I know it is ! It is for me, in any case. I loathe loathe loathe loathe loathe this kindav thing. Why can't we have straight emotions? It doesn't matter if they're laced with lovey-dovey words because its all on the face,open anyway. Nothing secretive, nothing fishy and nothing GAY! Yes I'm going to use gay because the female word isn't very appropriate. Anything would be better than that. I'm truly disappointed.
11:39 AM
Niqabi said...
err...thanx !!
4:53 AM
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Name: Niqabi
Location: Lahore, Pakistan
Occupation: Housewife
Religion: Islam
Interests: World War II, Jews, Hebrew, ancient sites, Muslim rule in Spain, revolutions, Vatican city and Islamic literature.
Books: The black album, Portofino, Ladies coupe, In beautiful disguises, The buddhist of Suburbia, The hidden life of Otto Frank.
Contact: niqabified [at] gmail [dot] com
Quote: "We plan and Allah plans and Allah is the best of planners"
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