My ventilator. Read, comment and judge me not. |
Friday, June 17, 2005
I'm tryin to get over the shock of getting....blog read by my father. It'll take time, I must tell. It can take ages. Or I might never return. The possibilties are endless and time...is being wasted. In writing this crappy post, I am, most eloquently tryin to convey...that. This blog page will forever show 'no you don't, you think I'm stupid enough to believe you' as the latest post, which, in itself hardly means anything sensible, considering the fact. That it has no background. No...theme, just outav the blue. On a dead June 13 th.
posted by Niqabi at 7:27 AM

ATY said...
ah poor u....can u do what i wud have done, i.e, throw a tantrum? yeah, i wud have done that *hangs head*...that's my hobby since birth
11:42 AM
salams.at least your blogs good to read and doesnt have ure darkest hidden secrets on it....your dads prolly reading this..shes a gr8 girl and a good freind,mashaAllah!!hope everything else allrite...dua me yadd
12:15 PM
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Name: Niqabi
Location: Lahore, Pakistan
Occupation: Housewife
Religion: Islam
Interests: World War II, Jews, Hebrew, ancient sites, Muslim rule in Spain, revolutions, Vatican city and Islamic literature.
Books: The black album, Portofino, Ladies coupe, In beautiful disguises, The buddhist of Suburbia, The hidden life of Otto Frank.
Contact: niqabified [at] gmail [dot] com
Quote: "We plan and Allah plans and Allah is the best of planners"
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