Saturday, May 21, 2005
Whoever proposed a two-hour saturday class should sit through the gruelling lecture and realize the horrors of it. We studied some undecipherable nonsense for quiet a while, writing continuosly with occasional lapse of laughter. It wasn't all that unpleasant but I'm not too interested in post-modernization, anyway.
Tomorrow is my sister's engagement, which is actually a step down. She was supposed to get nikahed this Thursday but then due to the 'unforeseen circumstances' the lad's bro couldn't make it to Lahore and we were made to agree on a mere egagement. How sad. The only thing that I don't understand is that why I'm lacking the thrill it carries?? I should be ecstatic, isn't it. I should be prancing around with joy, eh. But in contrast to that I'm pretty nonchalant about this whole matter, attended my class as usual, ate a normal breakfast and now I'm typing up a post. Nothing extra-ordinary. Everytime someone asks me if I'm excited I have to be dead honest and admit that I'm not. And I feel gulity about this too. But I think I'll start anticipating everything when the reality sets in. I'm not really taking all this, some part of me wants to believe that despite everything, engagement and all, nothing will change, life would still be the same. I hope not, though!
I have developed a severt dislike for all mother-in-laws. Why are they so cheeky and clever...always? And I think this is one relationship, one can generalize without giving a second thought to it. You could never be more right in your assumption. But I'm fervently praying that this one doesn't live up to my dreaded 'pre-conceived' notion.
Anyway, I found this really funny. I read this in the newspapers today.
Sorry, you're dead.
Berlin: A German woman in her eighties said she had been ordered by her pension fund to produce a certificate to prove she was still alive. Martha Kruse telephoned the Bundesknappschaft fund after her payments were suddenly stopped, only to be told by an employee: "Don't get upset, but you died on January 28." The employee would not accept the sound of the woman's voice as prrof that she was still alive and asked her instead to produce a 'life certificate'.
I'm on a printing spree these days, I print everything and anything that catches my fancy. Not very wise. I'm running out of ink and It'll be a while before I get a new one. I love the touch of printing paper, its so ...white and peaceful. I've started using it for making rough notes too and I end up paying more attention to the paper than to the contents.
The weather has been playing tricks with us again. One moment, its a fiery sun burning us out and the next, it retreats and the clouds take over. I'm not complaining about it, I'm perfectly alright with this hide n seek game in the skies.
I so should be helping everyone at home, rather than blogging. Insha'Allah we'll meet again.
posted by Niqabi at 3:42 AM

oh my god shes getting married:O,that was quiet shocking!tell her congrats for meeeee.......hope alls fine with you,assalamualykum
2:40 PM
Maha said...
*funny how newspapers can have humourous stuff like that in all that dead black and white print! haha*
Anyway, just wanted to tell you that it isn't abnormal not to be excited for your sisters engagement. If you knew my sister, you would know EXACTLY why I was over the moon when she got engaged(the elder one at least)...HAHAH..(Though I do miss her now!) but anyway, congrats and say that to apa also:) love u lots:)
2:53 AM
Niqabi said...
Nowhere-gyal: lol yeah I guess thats shocking for you. She is getting married next year, insha'Allah, so please make dua.
Em Tiddi: Thank you for being so considerate! Appa sends
special thank yous and jazakallahs your way.
luv ya loads :P
3:00 AM
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Name: Niqabi
Location: Lahore, Pakistan
Occupation: Housewife
Religion: Islam
Interests: World War II, Jews, Hebrew, ancient sites, Muslim rule in Spain, revolutions, Vatican city and Islamic literature.
Books: The black album, Portofino, Ladies coupe, In beautiful disguises, The buddhist of Suburbia, The hidden life of Otto Frank.
Contact: niqabified [at] gmail [dot] com
Quote: "We plan and Allah plans and Allah is the best of planners"
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