Saturday, March 26, 2005
Reply .
I cannot even start to make as much sense as my cousin ! She thinks alot, thats for sure. So do I though, but I never get down to organize the thoughts. Everything is there in my head, lying dormant, too cluttered to be put into use-basically useless. When we were coming up with all kinds of rebellious theories, it was for fun, a desire to be different from others. But now after having spent a good 2 years following the theory, I've concluded a few other things as well. Firstly, everything we did then was a form of 'escapisim'. We couldn't go with the system not because it was faulty but becase we hated the comparison. It required too much and wasn't interesting. Finding ourselves a huge misfit practically everywhere we went was too stressful so we made our own league. Our own little world where we made all the rules and were not mere puppets controlled by the society. Ok this has gone a bit too serious. Khyr what I want to convey eloquently is that not all what we thought or made up, is wrong. I mean ofcourse there must be some amount of goodness to be derived from it. Maybe we were too rigid about the rules or too critical about everything but it doesn't mean that we should simply dump this theory and move on. Maybe it did more harm than good but it can be modified. And modification would help alot. The thing is that the way everything is presented to us is revolting. We should dish out the good parts and ignore the bad ones. But we should still stick to our theory ! You can be a good obedient daughter, helping your mum around the house WITH your consent and still follow the TT-ism! What matters most is NOT to fake anything. Don't try to be something you're not. Having good akhlaaq is a quality, no matter which school of thought you follow and same goes with our theory. And ultimately its good akhlaaq that covers everything, this way you do things to please Allah SWT and NOT people. About the don't-be-social part, that should be dropped too. But if you have good akhlaaq you'll obviously by kind and helpful to strangers as well so shouldn't mention this separetly. Infact, I think that let's stick with just one thing, forget all the rest. If we can love/please everyone only for the sake of Allah SWT , that'll be enough for us. I don't like the idea of being selectively generous or selectively loving/caring. Thats my ugliest personality trait, I think. So Chij, you can be close to your mum and you can make muffins for her as well, you can scrap partially unknown people and you can send smilies to oldies, you can do everything you want without feeling that you're breaking the rules because we've got new rules now ! But stick to your theories.
posted by Niqabi at 6:48 AM

ATY said...
so...all in all, this means that TT-ness is everything that u want it to be...but as long as u do it, and no one else, else they r a TT! man, u really do contradict urself, but i guess new rules are rules, so... i'd like to say, as i have said several times before, u r not a misfit unless u chose to be. in my opinion at least, urs and chij's theories are just great! there's no question of sticking to them or not....u just can't run away from urself. cya tomorrow bye now
6:59 AM
Niqabi said...
Thank you ATY.
7:33 AM
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Name: Niqabi
Location: Lahore, Pakistan
Occupation: Housewife
Religion: Islam
Interests: World War II, Jews, Hebrew, ancient sites, Muslim rule in Spain, revolutions, Vatican city and Islamic literature.
Books: The black album, Portofino, Ladies coupe, In beautiful disguises, The buddhist of Suburbia, The hidden life of Otto Frank.
Contact: niqabified [at] gmail [dot] com
Quote: "We plan and Allah plans and Allah is the best of planners"
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