Thursday, March 24, 2005
Today's Thursday and its jst a matter of few days when we'll be chained to our school again. No, I'm not 'eargerly' looking forward to it. Infact, I loath the prospect of going back to school. I hate it. Okay, that was exaggerated. Anyway even though the holidays had seemed long and mostly boring, there was never enough time to do the homework. But life's like that. There's nothing exceptionally exciting going on at the moment. Everyone is aimlessly wandering around the house or indulged in equally productive activities. I thought I'd rather churn out some nonsense here and then join them. Well to start with, the mosquitoes are giving me a VERY hard time. They're not cooperating with us- at all ! Every single night since the past 5 days, as soon as I sit on the pc to do some blogging I'm met with extreme hostility from their side. Its next to impossible to avoid them because they're attracted to light and there is no way on earth I can use a pc with the monitor switched off ! Waving them away with your hands is also a futile effort, coz they're only going to strike again with greater force. If I could have it my way, I would pack them all into cattle carts and send them to Polish concentration camps. I only believe in the 'Final solution', you see. In other news, our computer chair which is presently occupied by my bum has been washed. It has a cheap red cover and low quality grey-ish black plastic to go with it. It can also do a complete 360 with makes you go weeeeeeeee. And wee-ing helps to kill time, when you're bored outav your mind, waiting for someone to come online. Khyr, a few days ago my brother decided that it was too stain-laiden for our backs and washed it in our bathroom. He scrubbed it using the desi soap and after spending a good 30 minutes cleaning, he took it downstairs in the guest bed to dry. How..? Using fan air. After a 2-day absence, its now back in one piece, giving various odours. I've noticed this that everytime I use the chair my back reeks of some undefinaeble smell/fragrance and gets a bit...well wet. And its not at all a pleasant feeling. Later I figured out that my bro sprayed it with 'cigar' and now you can't use the chair without carrying out the fragrance stuck to your bum. This is very irritating ! I'm drowning in a sea of assignements, which I've not started. I can't even recall all the stuff I'm supposed to do for the holidays, well thats good for me. Ignorance is a bliss, eh? But bad memory is the BEST!! :P. Blogging is getting boring, isn't it? I find it so, anyway. Not that life is getting busier and I don't find the time but because I've run outav ideas! Its a strain on my nerves to write about something which is not-so-personal and has no traces of whinism. Though you'd strongly disagree because I'm forever whining about stinky feet, homework, friends, school, life in general, life in particular, bakraas and now mosquitoes, lol and there is more to come. Weather is fine. I honestly don't have ANY complaints against it for once. Its getting hotter, true but its been so kind to us since the past two months that now even if its bright red hot sunny weather for weeks, I'd bear it happily. I should really stop here, talking about weather for long on a blog is not a good sign. I should go and have a life. Yes.
I'll write more when I come across something relatively less boring.
posted by Niqabi at 7:32 AM

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Name: Niqabi
Location: Lahore, Pakistan
Occupation: Housewife
Religion: Islam
Interests: World War II, Jews, Hebrew, ancient sites, Muslim rule in Spain, revolutions, Vatican city and Islamic literature.
Books: The black album, Portofino, Ladies coupe, In beautiful disguises, The buddhist of Suburbia, The hidden life of Otto Frank.
Contact: niqabified [at] gmail [dot] com
Quote: "We plan and Allah plans and Allah is the best of planners"
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